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2-2 Module Two Assignment

2-2 Module Two Assignment

Q CJ 310 ModuOverview In this assignment, you will examine two terror attacks against the United States, explain how the United States responded to each attack, and analyze the impact of these attacks on U.S. counterterrorism efforts. Prompt In Module One, you learned about the relationship between counterterrorism and homeland security. In Module Two, you have been examining the historical events that led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as the agencies that make up the DHS. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned thus far about pre-9/11 U.S. counterterrorism efforts by identifying two specific attacks. This will help you as you prepare to complete Project One in Module Four, where you will be asked to consider several significant attacks in your response. Using the Module Two Assignment Template, address the following: • Identify attacks on U.S. citizens. o Identify a pre-9/11 domestic attack on U.S. citizens. o Identify a pre-9/11 international attack on U.S. citizens. • Explain how the United States responded to the attacks. o How did the United States respond to the domestic attack? Include the immediate response, any U.S. agencies or departments that were involved, and any legislation that was enacted in response to the attack. (50–150 words) o How did the United States respond to the international attack? Include the immediate response, any U.S. agencies or departments that were involved, and any legislation that was enacted in response to the attack. (50–150 words) • Identify a lesson learned from each of the attacks you chose. (50–150 words) o What is one lesson the United States learned from the domestic attack? o What is one lesson the United States learned from the international attack? Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed: • Identify a domestic and an international pre-9/11 attack on U.S. citizens. • Explain how the United States responded to each attack. • Identify a lesson learned from each attack. Guidelines for Submission This assignment must be completed in written format using the provided template. Any references must be cited in APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations. le Two Assignment Template

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February 26, 1993, World Trade Center Attack by Osama bin laden with support of Al-Qaeda Islamic terrorist group (InfoPlease., 2017).In February 1993 the World Trade Centre attack was the devastating stage rehearsal of the 9/11 attack (InfoPlease., 2017). In this attack, terrorists have used a car full of explosives as a weapon. The explosive was blasted at the basement garage of the World Trade Centre, in New York City (InfoPlease., 2017).